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Sometimes when I remember I wrote this I want to shoot myself in the foot

‘You can’t afford to waste any more time’, he thought, as he rose from his bed slapping his alarm off. It was another Monday, another day he felt was wasted on school yet determined, he showered and got dressed. “Jungkook?! Come down and have breakfast, hurry up! You still gotta catch your bus.”, his mother was always on his back about being punctual but rather than annoyance he felt nervous. Today, he was finally going to talk to his crush. It was his crush’s last semester in high school, so he figured it was either now or never and besides, what was there to lose? If he was rejected, after graduation, they’d never have to see each other again. Rushing down the stairs, he scurried through the lounge and kitchen, quickly scanning each surface checking in case he’d forgotten anything.

“There you are, come, I made omelettes.”, his mother chimed.

“Sorry, mom. I’ve got to get to school early today.”, he said, hastily throwing his bag over his shoulder and taking a piece of toast from the plate, before darting out the door.

Taehyung lived further away from school than most, every morning he’d wake up early enough to get there with time to spare. Luckily, he was a morning person, so this was never a bother to him. Occasionally there’d be other students on his bus on the way to, but more often than not he was alone. Today wasn’t one of those days – a boy in the same uniform boarded, sitting across from him. He had crumbs on his face but that wasn’t the only thing, he felt him quietly watching him, stealing glances. ‘Cute.’, he thought, deciding not to pay it much attention.

The boy’s phone buzzed, snapping him out of his daze. It was Jimin, his best friend, but it was unusual for him to be messaging so early in the morning.

JIMIN: I got the thing b 😘😘

What? y are you awake? :JUNGKOOK

JIMIN: M just gave me everyones numbers.

right so what does that have to do w me? :JUNGKOOK

JIMIN: do you want taes number? 😋


JIMIN: y you shy for? 🤣🤣🤣


He stared at his phone, contemplating what he would do next. After years of doting from afar, his crush’s number so easily plopped in his lap. He was confused and even more nervous than previously. He looked back up at Taehyung whose eyes were fixated on passing traffic, he admired his eyes which he always thought mysterious and distant. Before getting too wrapped up in his daydreams he returned to Jimin’s message, his finger lingering over Taehyung’s number. ‘Maybe, instead of talking to him. I could just text him – at least, for now.’, thinking, he felt the bus stop, looking out to see they were already in front of their school gates. Taehyung stood first, gathering his things, looked to Jungkook and flashed a smile. He paced past exiting the bus, all the while Jungkook sat, flushed bright red.

After recovering from his sudden blush, Jungkook got up quickly and grabbing his bag tried to catch up to Taehyung. Only noticing the crumbs on his face as he passed the bus driver’s rear-view mirror. “Ugh, I probably looked so dumb.”, the boy said, annoyed with himself. Entering the gates, he tried to catch any semblance of Taehyung among the student body. Unable to sight him, he sighed, looking back at his phone thinking, maybe he’d take a chance and send him a text.

JUNGKOOK: Hey I know you don’t know who this is but I think I-

JUNGKOOK: Hey I know you don’t kn-


He couldn’t bring himself to, it had to be face-to-face. Burying his head into his phone, he shrugged pacing through the school figuring out how to catch his crush in a moment just between the two of them. He wanted privacy, only his best friend knew that he liked Taehyung and he’d prefer to keep it that way. There was still time, class wouldn’t start for another half-hour leaving Jungkook determined to find Taehyung to free himself of his anxiety. ‘He just has to know. That’s all I want.’, he thought.

Taehyung was always popular, known for his elusive nature. Every morning, sitting beneath an oak tree would read, simultaneously watching as the students around him got into their routines, gossiping, playing sport, all full of energy. He enjoyed his mornings like this, feeling calmed by the ambiance.

Jungkook spotted Taehyung as he sat himself under the oak tree. “Of course, he’d be there. He always is – sometimes you’re too ditsy.”, he said under his breath, as he continued towards his crush.


“I know we don’t know each other too well, but…”, the boy choked on his words. As he approached the oak tree, he stood in silence, unable to complete his sentence.

“You? Are you okay?”, Taehyung looked puzzled. Wondering if maybe there was something, he did to offend the boy or maybe they’d spoken prior. He couldn’t remember, still the boy stared at him, almost as confused as he was.

“I- I … I think I.”, Jungkook stuttered.

Taehyung got himself up off the ground and walking over to the boy offered his hand out.

“Are you okay?”, he repeated.

“I’m Taehyung, do you need anything?”

“I know who you are, I mean, I just.”, the boy panicked. He quickly bowed before retreating into one of the school buildings.

JIMIN: did you txt him?

no but I did fuck up :JUNGKOOK

JIMIN: damn really? you good?

As he begun to reply to the text, he heard footsteps following behind him. He turned around, to find Taehyung standing 6 feet from him. He looked down at his phone, too embarrassed to look at his perfect face.

“I just wanted to see that you’re all good. Don’t worry, I won’t bite. I don’t know if you heard me back there, but I’m Taehyung. What’s your name?”

The boy shuffled nervously, before taking a breath. He regained his footing before replying.

“Jungkook. My name’s Jungkook.”

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