As I did with my last brief reflection, the lists I'll be reviewing was picked at random. Coincidentally these lists, in some way, if not completely, pertain to music. I'll be looking at Daisy Hutchinson's "Most underrated Pink Floyd tracks from the 60s & 70s," Rosa Bosma's "Up-and-coming New Zealand music artists" and Jenny Lee's "Multi-media and celebrities relation to Independence."
I really appreciate how clearly Daisy Hutchinson's passion come through within her post. I can feel just how much the songs on this list and Pink Floyd has impacted her. Admittedly, I don't know too much about the band, but I am aware of their influence on Pop culture. This list provided an in-depth look at the creative prowess of Roger Waters, the band's then-bassist, vocalist and conceptual leader. His ability to fix the esoteric/political/personal into the band's music via beautiful allegory and metaphor. This list felt incredibly personal and for that, I'm thankful for Daisy sharing Pink Floyd in the way she has.
Rosa Bosma's list of up-and-coming New Zealand musical acts compiles a list of musicians I've never heard of. I appreciate her acute awareness and support of our bubbling music scene. One that is definitely disregarded by our charts and radio stations - except maybe the likes of bFM. It was nice to see how Pop music, in particular, is being innovated by homegrown musicians. I'm excited to see if her predictions come to fruition and I hope they do. New Zealand is such an incubator of talent and I can't wait for all that to finally rise into the world-wide conscious. Something that is already happening with the likes of Lorde and Six60 making their defining marks on the world.
The final list I looked at was by Jenny Lee and admittedly, it took me a while to grasp the idea or themes she was conveying with the items she curated. However, I came to look at the "independence" she describes as a break-away from the norm (or the toxic), the rise of the underdog and the battle with the self. All these kind of combine into or add to the self-found independence of each of the items on the list. I appreciated her range of content and how she managed to identify the independence of either a character within a film or a director or a musical act. I found it interesting that she chose the celebrity to find independence in, although they do have that, their lives are under so much public scrutiny that it is almost a farce. I liked that she identified celebrities attempting to reclaim autonomy over their image and selves.
All in all, really fun stuff. This brief had definitely given everyone an opportunity to explore things that maybe are niche interests of theirs and really flesh it out. I've learnt a lot just engaging with these three posts alone.